Dr. Theodorou on COVID-19

From Dr. Theodorou
The situation of the coronavirus in the United States remains in a state of rapid flux. It is clear that there is community transmission of the virus in the state of OHIO, but it is also clear that aggressive steps at containment are in play, hoping to limit the scope of COVID-19.
Our office continues to remain OPEN, as it is impossible to close our doors to our patients who are in need of treatment for dental emergencies or are in the process of ongoing treatment.
We want to inform all of our patients that we are taking extreme precautions, way beyond the recommendations for the dental office. Your health and welfare as well as the health of our team is of great importance to us and this above all comes FIRST.
We would like to inform you of what to expect when you come to our office.
On the day prior to your planned visit, an office team member will call and ask the following questions:
If you answer yes to any of the above questions, YOU WILL BE RESCHEDULED for a time 14 to 30 days later.
- Are you sick with a fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, GI symptoms?
- Have you had travels within the past 30 days to the following:
- China, Hong Kong or Macau
- South Korea
- Italy
- Iran
- Europe
- Have you traveled to:
- Any state with a mandatory quarantine
- Certain areas that have higher concentrations of coronavirus
- Have you or a family member been asked to self-quarantine?
- Is any member of your household ill or tested positive with COVID-19?
- There will be a prominent sign directing you to use a hand sanitizer and to rigorously rub your hands for 20 seconds
- Your temporal temperature will be taken via digital non-touch scan
Normal: (97.7–99.5 °F)
Fever: > (99.5 or 100.9 °F) you will be asked to seek medical help and will not be seen - Anyone who is coughing will be given a mask, be asked to seek medical help and will not be seen in the office.
With every sequence of patients going back to the treatment area- the reception area chairs, counters, surfaces, and pens along with exterior and interior door handles are wiped down with Clorox Brand disinfection wipes.
Universal precautions are taken (the practice of standard precautions CDC)
- Each dental operatory is wiped down after each patient visit with a surface disinfectant that kills all known infectious diseases, including Coronavirus.
- All surfaces including tubing, overhead lights, cabinet pulls, and chairs (patient chair, Dr stool, assistant stool) are clean and sanitized- wiped down between each patient with hospital-grade disinfectant
- Protective barriers are placed on handles of lights and frequently touched areas between patients
- Sanitized protective goggles for patient use
- Team Members are washing and sanitizing their hands before gloving up- for the start of your procedure between procedures when degloving and multiple times through the day
- Operatories have always been equipped with antibacterial soap and multiple sanitizing options
- Each patient will be instructed to rinse vigorously with Listerine
- Gloves placed over the cuffed disposable gown
- N95 masks/Surgical masks
- Goggles/Face Shield
- No rings, watches or jewelry allowed/Hair pulled back
- Upon entering the office to begin the work day, all team members will be directed to use a hand sanitizer and to rigorously rub their hands for 20 seconds
- At the beginning of the work day, all team member’s temporal temperature is checked and logged
- Team members change into work attire. All members come to work in street clothes and leave the office in street clothes.
- If a Team Member travels internationally or domestically to certain areas that have higher concentrations of Coronavirus, they are not permitted to return to work for two weeks after returning to the Cleveland area and being symptom-free. Team members will be paid to stay home and self-quarantine
- We have reminded Team Members that if they have even mild symptoms of illness, they are to stay home. We have added paid sick leave to the regular, paid time-off benefits for Team Members.
- To keep all surfaces clean and sanitized in reception areas, the bathroom and the front desk, we have designated team members who will spend time on cleaning and sanitation of surfaces
Dr. Theodorou and his dental team will do their part to protect the public. We just ask that you wash your hands for 20 seconds, stop buying masks, cough and sneeze into your arm or into a tissue, and stay home if you have upper respiratory symptoms. We recommend that everyone practices social distancing and enjoy time at home with loved ones.
We are paying very close attention to developments and recommendations being made by The CDC, the Board of Health, and the American Dental Association. We will continue to make decisions with the health and well-being of patients, Team Members, and all people as our highest priorities.
We wish you all good health as we together make responsible and wise choices and changes to get through this as safely as possible.
Dr. Chris B. Theodorou and Team