Summer Is No Time to Vacation From Your Dental Hygiene

With the onset of summer – which, sadly, will disappear almost as quickly as it has arrived – I strongly encourage my patients not to espouse a vacationing mindset toward their dental hygiene. Especially with regards to more substantial procedures that demand longer time in the office and extended recovery, summer is the OPTIMUM TIME to schedule these appointments. Students especially enjoy less demanding schedules, are free of the stress of academic attendance and performance and can indulge in longer recovery times free from the anxiety of missed assignments and class time. Likewise, summer is when your smile is in the spotlight – as it is prime time for weddings, graduation parties and heightened outdoor gatherings, and it should hence be at the forefront of your schedule as you prioritize the next few months. It is an ideal time not only to commit to health-related services but the aesthetic ones as well, as there is nothing quite as captivating as a beautiful smile which can be heightened to an eye-candy aesthetic by the many services offered at Strongsville Laser and Dental Aesthetics that will enhance the visual appeal of your smile and boost your esteem and confidence for the rest of the year. Equally as compelling is the “use it or lose it” policy that most insurance companies adhere to in their dental coverage, which serves as a strong financial incentive to have the larger dental services scheduled and completed before coverage vanishes with the close of the year, at a time when there is less competition to squeeze in procedures before time runs out or before the back-to-school rush. So, while I too enjoy to vacation during these seasonable months, I won’t take a vacation from my commitment to my patients to keep their dental hygiene at their best, year-round, and especially when the sun shines a bit brighter on all of us!
Dr. Chris B. Theodorou , DMD