A Star Is Born at Strongsville Dental and Laser Aesthetics

Therapy dog, “Laser,” comforts young patient
“Laser” Makes His Debut! Our newest “Laser” at Strongsville Dental and Laser Aesthetics made his debut last week. Yes, I said “he” as in a male, a male dog actually. Although we are known for our advanced laser procedures, this Laser will address a much broader issue: odontophobia or dentophobia otherwise known as fear of the dentist.
Dental Phobia is so common, even today with so many advances in painless dentistry, including painless lasers, The University of Washington has an actual Dental Fears Clinic.The clinic offers different methods to ease the stress and fear of going to the dentist. Therapy and sedation are among the traditional methods. But in addition to sedation, we are adding a newer means of relaxation, our therapy dog named “Laser.”
Therapy dogs have proven to be an effective method for treating dental anxiety, especially for children. We introduced our “Laser” to a few select patients, as he continues his dental therapy dog training.
Even as a puppy, “Laser” seems to understand his job. He sat calmly in an anxious young patient’s lap and soaked up all the pets he could get. Our young patient relaxed and was happily distracted by our sweet affectionate “Laser,” which allowed me to give the best care possible.
Other patients enjoyed the furry greeting “Laser” given to everyone who comes into the office. He is continuing his formal training but also learning on the job like he did today.
If you haven’t met “Laser” stop in our office or keep an eye out for our Strongsville Dental and Laser Aesthetics video, coming soon and staring you know who…. (hint: not me!)
by Dr Chris Theodorou DMD