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Dr. Theodorou
Recognized as

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Offering High-Quality Dental Care for the Whole Family

The Level of Advanced Care You Deserve

Are you on the lookout for a new dentist? While dental practices can start to feel like a dime a dozen, Strongsville Dental & Laser Aesthetics strives to stand out. We’re proud to be among the best dentists in Northeast, OH, and our team aims to provide comprehensive care at an affordable rate. We’re here for you whether you need urgent dental care or plan to start using Invisalign® clear aligners. Whatever your needs, our Northeast Ohio team is excited to help you achieve your best smile.

Welcoming Patients to Our Dental Office

The moment you walk through our door, you will be greeted by a member of our friendly team(and maybe a therapy dog, too!). Our seasoned dentist, Dr. Chris Theodorou, is an active member of the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and several other organizations. He also holds additional certifications. We want you to feel relaxed knowing that you are in expert hands. We will answer your questions promptly and address any concerns regarding your care, treatment plan, and payment options. Remember, you are our first priority, and we want you to feel satisfied with every decision involved with your dental care. Let us know how our Northeast Ohio dentist, team, and therapy dogs can make you feel more comfortable.

receptionist meeting client

An Affordable Dentist for Your Cosmetic Concerns

Too often, people put off advanced dentistry appointments because they’re worried about the cost. But when you trust your local Strongsville dentist, you can count on quality results without the premium price tag. We make every effort to keep services affordable for patients, so you can cover all your family dentistry needs. Be sure to chat with our friendly team about your insurance.

Hear From Our Satisfied Strongsville Patients

Get in Touch Today

14783 Pearl Rd
Strongsville, OH 44136


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: Closed

Awards, Recognitions, and Certifications
